
New wet snow product and updated CryoLand4Newbies

07 April 2016: A new wet snow cover product is now available for the Alpine area. The product development started within CryoLand, and was completed within the EU FP7 project SEN3APP. Demonstration products of the melting season 2015 over the Alps, as well as new products for the melting season 2016 will be provided through the CryoLand GeoPortal.

The Snow Products website, as well as the CryoLand4Newbies document were updated with this new product Wet Snow Cover over Alps (multitemp_SCAW_Alps_Radar).

New scripts for automated access of CryoLand products available

08 April 2015: For automatically accessing, downloading and analysing CryoLand products we provide for your convenience new scripts written in Python and IDL in the Downloads menu (link). Feel free to use or adapt these scripts according to your needs.

GeoPortal New Interface

The new interface of the CryoLand GeoPortal is now released. Check out the Chills of the Planet!


3rd Annual Progress Meeting

The 3rd Annual Progress Meeting and Product Working Group Meeting was held from 23-25 Jan 2013 in Helsinki, Finland.


Austrian GEO/GEOSS Workshop 2012

A joint presentation about CryoLand products and services was given by ENVEO and the CryoLand user Pöyry at the 2. GEO/GEOSS Workshop in Vienna, Austria, on 10 December 2012, hosted by Zentralanstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik (ZAMG), Group on Earth Observations (GEO) and Austrian Federal Ministry of Science and Research (Bundesministerium für Wissenschaft und Forschung, BMWF).


ESA-EUMETSAT Workshop 2012

CryoLand products and services were presented at the Workshop on European Satellite Snow Monitoring Perspectives on 4-5 Dec 2012 in Darmstadt, Germany, organized by ESA and EUMETSAT.


ESA-CliC-EGU Conference 2012

ENVEO presented a poster about CryoLand at the Earth Observation and Cryosphere Science Conference at the Italian center of the European Space Agency, ESRIN, from 13th to 16th November 2012, organized by ESA, CliC and EGU.


COST Workshop 2012

ENVEO held an invited presentation on CryoLand products and service at the COST (European Cooperation in Science and Technology) Action ES0903 WG4 Workshop on 16 October 2012 in Innsbruck, Austria.


NEREUS/ESA Publication 2012

ENVEO contributed a paper on CryoLand to the NEREUS/ESA Joint PublicationThe growing use of GMES across Europe’s regions" (CryoLand: pp. 28 – 29), published in October 2012. The joint publication was launched with a festive evening-event at the European Parliament on 10 October 2012.


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