
New wet snow product and updated CryoLand4Newbies

07 April 2016: A new wet snow cover product is now available for the Alpine area. The product development started within CryoLand, and was completed within the EU FP7 project SEN3APP. Demonstration products of the melting season 2015 over the Alps, as well as new products for the melting season 2016 will be provided through the CryoLand GeoPortal.

The Snow Products website, as well as the CryoLand4Newbies document were updated with this new product Wet Snow Cover over Alps (multitemp_SCAW_Alps_Radar).

New scripts for automated access of CryoLand products available

08 April 2015: For automatically accessing, downloading and analysing CryoLand products we provide for your convenience new scripts written in Python and IDL in the Downloads menu (link). Feel free to use or adapt these scripts according to your needs.

CryoLand – GMES Service Snow and Land Ice – Interoperability, Service Integration and User Access

Hits: 485
Research areas:
  • Uncategorized
Type of Publication:
In Proceedings
Environmental Systems and Services, Infrastructures and Platforms
  • Triebnig, Gerhard
  • Diamandi, Andrei
  • Hall, Richard
  • Malnes, Eirik
  • Metsämäki, Sari
  • Nagler, Thomas
  • Pulliainen, Jouni
  • Rott, Helmut
  • Schiller, Christian
  • Solberg, Rune
  • Wiesmann, Andreas
The CryoLand project implements and validates a standardized and sustainable service on snow and land ice monitoring as a Downstream Service of GMES. It will provide geospatial product coverages of seasonal snow (snow extent, snow mass, melt state), glaciers (area, snow / ice extent, ice velocities, glacier dammed lakes), and lake / river ice (extent, temporal variations, snow burden) derived from Earth observation (EO) satellite data. Processing lines and a service infrastructure will be developed on top of existing Web service environments supporting the publication, provision and chaining of involved geospatial data services. The CryoLand service architecture commits INSPIRE, OGC, and OASIS standards specifically respecting HMA and GENESIS frameworks. User information services offering discovery, view and download functions will be provided. Collaborative Project funded by the European Union under the 7th Framework Programme Project Number: 262925.